How does static electricity work ?

So, you want to know how static electricity works? Well then you first have to know about an atom. Do you know what an atom is? Probably not! 

Everything in the universe is made out of tiny bits called atoms. Most atoms are surrounded by even tinier blips of energy which are called electrons. In the middle of the atom is the nucleus, it consists of protons and neutrons.

Protons are positively charged and electrons are negatively charged so that's why electrons revolve around the nucleus.  On the other hand, neutrons don't have any charge so they just add mass to an atom.

Now that you know how an atom works, let's get on with static electricity! Usually atoms have the same number of protons and neutrons, but when you rub some objects together, electrons can sometimes move from one atom to another atom. Some atoms get more electrons. They will have a negative charge. Other atoms have less electrons. They will have a positive charge. Static electricity is made by separating electrons like this. So now you know how static electricity works, you can move on to finding out how we use it!
